Session Details - HS04

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Hydro-Climatological Analysis for Floods and Droughts
Main Convener Prof. Hung Soo Kim (Inha University, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Srivatsan Raghavan (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Session Description The aim of this session is to provide advances in the field of analyzing and assessing heavy precipitation, floods, and droughts. This issue covers a wide range of topics such as statistical and stochastic methods for extreme event, rainfall-runoff modeling, spatio-temporal analysis of natural disaster, predicting and adapting to flood or drought, applying of advanced scientific technology, local and regional frequency analysis, risk and reliability analysis in hydro-climatology, and time series analysis.
Floods and droughts have frequently occurred throughout the world causing the damage of property and loss of life. More intensive natural disasters such as droughts and floods are expected to occur in future due to the change of the hydro-climatological characteristics. It is very important to explore the potential risk through understanding its mechanism for solving this issue. The various scientific approaches, which are the improved or innovative methodologies for data analysis, modeling and so on, can be considered to solve this issue. These must be very useful and helpful for alleviating the damage of floods and droughts.