Session Details - APHW04

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Asian Monsoon Hydroclimate
Main Convener Prof. Jun Matsumoto (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Atsushi Higuchi (Chiba University, Japan)
Prof. Taikan Oki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. Shinjiro Kanae (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Session Description In the Asian region, water-related climate is one of the key issues for its sustainability. Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and Prediction Initiative (MAHASRI) has been focused on both atmospheric and hydrological sciences (meteorology, climatology and hydrology), and applications (agriculture, water-related disaster, etc) as one of the ICRP/GEWEX/GHP international projects. It has been also collaborated with WCRP project, Asian Monsoon Year (AMY 2007-2012) and the AMY Re-analysis data will be released soon. This session will be open for all fields related with Asian monsoon hydroclimate, regardless of the participation in the above projects, and will discuss future collaboration among related international researches.