Session Details - HS17

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title New Technologies for Hydrologic Prediction and Measures under Extreme Climate Conditions
Main Convener Prof. Kun-Yeun Han (Kyungpook National University, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Gwo-Fong Lin (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Session Description New technology for modeling strategies for hydrologic predicition and measures will be presented for efficient mitigation of extreme events from climate change as follows.

- Extreme flood and drought prediction by sateliite images
- QPE and QPF by blending meteorological data
- Flood inundation analysis by 1D/2D/3D methods
- Combination of data-driven method and deterministic method for hydrologic prediciton
- Basin-wide structural and nonstructural measures by applying MCDM method
- Case studies