Session Details - HS18

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Urban Hydrology and Stormwater Management
Main Convener Prof. Ke-Sheng Cheng (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Kwan Tun Lee (National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan)
Session Description Urban hydrology is generally characterized by short time of concentration and very fast response to high intensity rainfalls, commonly known as flash floods. Sewer system, surface drainage facilities, detention ponds and pumping stations are often combined together to cope with such flash floods. Different landcover/landuse types, complex terrain variations, and complicated building blocks present in an urban environment make urban hydrological modeling a difficult task. This session aims to provide a platform for presentations of innovative ideas and approaches of urban flood prevention and urban stormwater management practices. Specific topics of this session may include, but not limited to, the following items:
(1) Zoning and Landuse management practices for flood prevention
(2) Realtime rainfall forecasting
(3) Urban rainfall-runoff modeling
(4) Urban inundation modeling
(5) Urban stormwater management
(6) Combined modeling of surface runoff and sewer flow
(7) Design of retention/detention structures for urban flood prevention
(8) Impact of climate and environmental changes on urban hydrology
(9) Other issues related to urban stormwater management