Session Details - IG13

Session Details
Section IG - Interdisciplinary Geosciences
Session Title The Special Vulnerability of Asia–Pacific Islands to Natural Hazards
Main Convener Prof. James Goff (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Co-convener(s) Prof. James Terry (Zayed University, United Arab Emirates)
Dr. Grahame Oliver (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Dr. Vena Pearl Bongolan (University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines)
Dr. David Fink (Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation, Australia)
Dr. Alexandru T Codilean (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Prof. Oliver Korup (Earth and Environmental Sciences, Potsdam University, Germany)
Dr. Yuki Matsushi (Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
Dr. Adam Switzer (Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Dr. Fiona Williamson (National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia)
Session Description Any map of the Asia-Pacific region makes a striking impression – the region encompasses a truly vast expanse of ocean throughout which are dispersed thousands of islands. Some islands are clustered together near continental coastlines, while others are remote and isolated. Island sizes range from substantial landmasses with large populations to tiny specks of land that nonetheless support small communities. The majority of Asia–Pacific islands owe their origins to plate-boundary tectonics, meaning that many are volcanically and/or seismically active. Slope susceptibility to mass movements is enhanced by deep chemical weathering. Wet maritime climates, especially in monsoon or cyclone belts, are capable of generating large responses in island river systems leading to risks of serious floods.

This session will consider the special vulnerabilities to natural hazards of islands in the Asia–Pacific region. This forms the contribution of the ICSU-ROAP Steering Group on Natural Hazards and Risk (International Council for Science - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific).