Session Details - OS05-IG07

Session Details
Section OS - Ocean Sciences
IG - Interdisciplinary Geosciences
Session Title Coasts in Trouble: Sea Level Rise, Coastal Inundation and the Need for Further Adaptation
Main Convener Prof. Charles Lemckert (Griffith University, Australia)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Yonghong Wang (Ocean University of China, China)
Session Description The rising sea level is a driving force of coastal change. This, along with altering wave conditions, storm intensity and ocean circulation patterns, is increasingly evident and may lead to increase risks worldwide. Sea-level rise, with high regional variability, is accelerating and is expected to continue for centuries. Adaptation strategies and planning is advisable. Reliable, validated models for predicting inundation and related effects are needed for appropriate and effective stakeholder action. Papers invited include the impacts of sea-level rise, storms, waves on coasts; field and numerical model studies of storm surge, waves and inundation effects; links between warming and sea-level rise; assessments of coastal impacts; and examples of adaptation. Contributions describing national and regional investigations of coastal elevation and change, case studies, and model predictions are also encouraged.