Session Details - OS15 (Re-Allo)

Session Details
Section OS - Ocean Sciences
Session Title Coasts And Their Response To Climate Change
Main Convener Prof. Charles Lemckert (Griffith University, Australia)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Adam Switzer (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Session Description The sea-level is rising and it will be a dominant driving force of coastal change. Combining this with altered wave conditions, storm intensity and ocean circulation patterns, it is increasingly evident and important that we develop a detailed understanding of how coasts and the populations will respond. The session aims to cover impacts of sea-level rise, storms, waves on coasts; field and numerical model studies of storm surge, waves and inundation predictions and effects; links between warming and sea-level rise; assessments of coastal impacts; examples of adaptation and/or adaptive planning; and case studies.