Session Details - OS22-SE37

Session Details
Section OS - Ocean Sciences
SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Tsunami Observations And Simulations: A Multidisciplinary Science
Main Convener Dr. Sébastien Allgeyer (Australian National University, Australia)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Toshitaka Baba (Tokushima University, Japan)
Prof. Shingo Watada (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. Kenji Satake (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. Phil Cummins (Australian National University, Australia)
Session Description Recent improvements in tsunami observation platforms, such as the deployment of ocean bottom pressure recorders throughout the ocean basins, have led to the availability of an unprecedented amount of high-quality data that can be used to study the physics of tsunami generation, propagation and run-up. The increase of observational networks and sensors such as satellite measurements, sea wave radars, gravimeters, seismometers and magnetometers opens many new ways to record tsunami-induced signals in order to deduce tsunami properties. However, to be able to model these kinds of observation, high-fidelity tsunami simulations are required.
In this session we seek contributions from researchers that demonstrate how these data can be used to study the physics of tsunami generation, propagation and inundation, as well as how they can by utilized in next-generation tsunami warning and forecasting systems. Also welcome are presentations on new approaches to sea level measurements, as well as novel ways of using conventional measurements that yield new insight into tsunami physics, and new approaches to tsunami forecasting and modelling.