Session Details - SE02

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Active Tectonics And Paleoseismology From High Resolution Topography And Chronology
Main Convener Dr. Zhikun Ren (China Earthquake Administration, China)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Xuhua Shi (Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore)
Mr. Yu Zhou (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Session Description Availability of recent, high-resolution topographic data (e.g., DEM from sub-meter resolution stereo imagery, airborne or terrestrial LiDAR surveys and Structure from Motion) has enabled earth scientists to explore the Earth’s surface deformation more precisely. These data can be applied in studies of active faults, folds and earthquakes. Combined with the improved dating methods (e.g., radiocarbon, cosmogenic nuclides, optical stimulated luminescence) to determine the timing of geomorphic and geological features associated with active deformation, we are able to better understand tectonic deformation over multiple time scales, strain accumulation processes, landform changes, recurrence characteristics of historical earthquakes, etc.

Contributions presenting new techniques and data on active faults and earthquakes are welcome in order to better understand active tectonics and associated hazards.