Session Details - SE08

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Plate Motion, Tectonics and Seismicity of Northeast Asia
Main Convener
Co-convener(s) Prof. Guojie Meng (China Earthquake Administration, China)
Dr. Nikolai Shestakov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation)
Dr. Hiroaki Takahashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Session Description Northeast Asia is a one of the most tectonically and seismically active regions in the world. However, its recent and past geodynamic activity has still been insufficiently investigated. Over the past decade, several devastating earthquakes struck this area, highlighting the importance of deep understanding its active tectonics and earthquake behaviors through joint researches, based on geological, seismic and geodetic observations etc. Integration of geodetic, seismic and geologic data may benefit to explain how plate motion in Northeast Asia is transformed into continental deformation, and how deformation evolves through the earthquake cycle. This should lead to better understanding of the hazards posed by the strong earthquakes.

The session aims to bring together scientists with complementary experience to discuss and bring new insights about plate motion, plate boundary deformation, recent and past tectonics, observations and modeling results concerning to anticipated microplate rotation and deformation in Northeast Asia. We solicit geodetic, seismic and geologic studies that further constrain the characteristics of plate boundary deformation and interseismic crustal deformation in the region. We welcome studies characterizing individual earthquake events, and fault kinematics. We encourage submissions from scientists in relevant geoscientific disciplines, including active tectonics, seismology, tsunami modeling, geodetic analysis, etc. Contributions on mitigation of the earthquake hazard in this region are also welcome.