Session Details - SE09 (Re-Allo)

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Reconciling Short And Long Term Observations Of Deformation At Subduction Plate Boundaries
Main Convener Dr. Rob Govers (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Kevin P Furlong (Pennsylvania State University, United States)
Session Description Some fraction of inter-seismic strain is not recovered during earthquakes. As a consequence, permanent strain is built up over multiple seismic cycles, producing the geologic record used to infer long-term subduction processes. One popular paradigm is that long-term post-seismic subduction zone deformation occurs away from the plate contact, so that is where geological deformation will be best preserved and most informative. Another perspective is that the unrecovered strain is simply a small but relatively uniform fraction of the accumulated strain, that is its spatial distribution will mimic the interseismic strain accumulation patterns, making geologic observations a simple proxy for the earthquake cycle strain. How and when permanent strain accumulates in the subduction plate boundary system remains unclear.

We invite contributions that address these issues from geological, geodetic and seismological, and from modeling perspectives.