Session Details - SE10

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Fault Rheology and Earthquake Mechanics
Main Convener Dr. Bunichiro Shibazaki (International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Shengli Ma (China Earthquake Administration, China)
Prof. Junlai Liu (China University of Geosciences, China)
Dr. Zheqiang Shi (San Diego State University, United States)
Dr. Jun Muto (Tohoku University, Japan)
Session Description Recent observations have revealed details of fault slip processes such as slow earthquakes, large intraplate earthquakes, and megathrust earthquakes. Many experimental studies have been conducted on the friction properties of fault-zone materials at low to high slip velocities. It is becoming possible to elucidate various kinds of fault-slip processes based on the mechanical properties of fault zones. To promote integrated studies in fault and earthquake mechanics, we welcome contributions from all disciplines: (1) geological and microstructural observations of natural fault zones; (2) laboratory experiments on mechanical and transport properties of fault zones; (3) modeling of earthquake generation and rupture propagation; and (4) seismological and geodetic observations of earthquake processes.