Session Details - SE11

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Recent Developments In Seismic Tomography And Waveform Inversion
Main Convener Dr. Li Zhao (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Huajian Yao (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Dr. Nobuaki Fuji (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France)
Prof. Ying Zhou (Virginia Tech, United States)
Dr. Kenji Kawai (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Session Description In recent years seismic imaging techniques which make use of all of the information embedded in seismic waveforms have greatly contributed to our understanding of Earth structure and dynamics on global and regional scales. The use of observables deduced from complete waveforms and their structural sensitivities allows us to obtain reliable and robust high-resolution images of Earth interior, including anelastic and anisotropic structures. Advances have been made recently in both theoretical and practical aspects, including data processing techniques, efficient calculations of accurate synthetics and partial derivatives, and new approaches to solving the seismic inverse problem. Waveform-based seismic tomography requires enormous computational effort, but the steady decrease in the cost of hardware and developments in algorithms and software are leading to many promising new research initiatives.
In this session we invite abstracts on new developments in seismic tomography and waveform inversion including but not limited to, advanced techniques on modeling wave propagation, innovative wavefield storage techniques, improvements to the algorithms for solving the seismic inverse problem, and new Earth structure models obtained by applying these techniques.