Session Details - SE12

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Preparation Process Of Great Earthquakes And Related Phenomena: Observations And Debates On Potential Precursory Anomalies At Different Spatial-temporal Scales
Main Convener Prof. Fuqiong Huang (China Earthquake Network Center, China)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Zhongliang Wu (China Earthquake Administration, China)
Prof. Kiyoshi Suyehiro (Laboratory of Ocean-Earth Life Evolution Research, JAMSTEC, Japan)
Prof. Vladimir Kossobokov (Institute of Earthquake Prediction, Russian Federation)
Session Description The preparation process of a great earthquake is associated with multiple spatial and temporal scales. Since recent years, with the occurrence of several great earthquakes, observations have accumulated related to the inter-seismic (pre-seismic), co-seismic, and post-seismic processes. Bearing in mind the intrinsic limitation of retrospective case studies, the collection, analysis, comparison, and modeling of potential precursory anomalies may contribute to the understandings of the earthquake preparation processes. The related debates also shed lights on the physics and geodynamics of earthquake predictability.
The nature of great earthquakes as "extreme" process of energy accumulation and release provides the study on earthquake forecast/prediction with unique opportunity of inter disciplinary comparisons. This session invites, but not limited to, the results of the following topics
1) Potential pre-shock observed anomalies and their spatial and temporal scales: observations, analysis and debates;
2) Source processes of recent great earthquakes, with implication for earthquake forecast;
3) Geodynamic modeling of great earthquakes, with implication for earthquake preparation; and
4) The others related to the great earthquakes