Session Details - SE13

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Geodetic Observations, Modeling Of Earthquake Cycle Deformation, And Tectonics
Main Convener Dr. Zheng-Kang Shen (Peking University, China)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Ya-Ju Hsu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Session Description Space-based geodetic techniques including Global Positioning System (GPS), and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) have revolutionized our ability to track actively deforming areas with high spatial and temporal resolutions. This increase in observation quantity motivates a reappraisal of standard modeling assumptions. Constructing a physical model that works up to the entire range of fault slip behaviors can shed light on faulting processes and earthquake hazard assessments. Furthermore, geodetic and seismic data provide fundamental insights into the lithospheric rheology, 3D elastic structures, as well as the mechanics of fault motions and plate tectonics. Papers on observational results and modeling of recent significant events such as 2008 Wenchuan, 2011 Tohoku and 2015 Nepal etc. or interseismic deformation are particularly welcome. Contributions of work from new inversion techniques and numerical modeling ranging from local to regional in scale are also invited.