Session Details - SE17 (Re-Allo)

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Natural Diastaers And Their Impact On The Society
Main Convener Mr. Ashvin Wickramasooriya (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Jagath Gunatilake (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
Mr. Sirimal Samansiri (Disaster Management Center, Sri Lanka)
Session Description It has been observed that the trend of recording disasters increasing within last two to three decades in the world. Majority of them are natural events while occasionally created due to human activities. Of these disasters, earthquakes, landslides, cyclones and floods can be highlighted compared to other disasters took place in all over the world in recent past. There were some severe events which killed more than thousand people and created enormous damaged to properties. Some of these disasters entirely controlled by the geographical position and geological structure. Because of these reasons, some cities in some countries very frequently get affected one of the disasters mentioned in the above. Flooding in Bangladesh, earthquakes in Indonesia, Philippine or Japan are two good examples for this. There were some adverse socioeconomic impacts experienced very recently as a result of disasters. Therefore, disaster early warning and mitigate them will be an extremely important tasks to be implemented to reduce the socioeconomic status of any country.