Session Details - SE29

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Large Landslides And Landslide Mechanics- Field Investigations, Laboratory Testing, And Numerical Simulations.
Main Convener Prof. Runqiu Huang (Chengdu University of Technology, China)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Gonghui Wang (Kyoto University, Japan)
Prof. Jia-Jyun Dong (National Central University, Taiwan)
Prof. Wei Hu (Chengdu University of Technology, China)
Prof. Yu Huang (Tongji University, China)
Session Description The initiation and movement mechanism of large landslides is very complex. Large landslides usually involve deep regolith, weathered rock, and/or bedrock and include large slope failure associated with translational, rotational, or complex movement. This type of landslide potentially occurs in a tectonic active region and moves slowly, only several meters per year, but occasionally moves faster. We welcome contributions from different disciplines:
(1) Initiation, movement, and deposition characteristics and related mechanisms of large landslides.
(2) Field investigation and laboratory testing of large landslides.
(3) Advances in geo-hazard analysis, risk assessment and mapping.
(4) Evaluation and control of large landslide: mitigation, prevention and protection strategies.
(5) Numerical simulation of large landslides.
(6) The disaster-chain effects of large landslides.