Session Details - OS33-SE33 (Re-Allo)

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
OS - Ocean Sciences
Session Title Recent And Planned Expeditions Of The International Ocean Discovery Program
Main Convener Dr. Richard Arculus (The Australian National University, Australia)
Co-convener(s) Prof. James Austin (University of Texas, Austin, United States)
Session Description The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) has concentrated its exploration efforts in the oceans and seas bordering the Asian continent over the past few years. Primary aims of these expeditions have included the understanding of the development and evolution of the Asian monsoon, the history of Himalayan uplift, the rifting history and development of marginal seas, the inception of subduction and the sequence of magmatic and tectonic events subsequent to this type of event, the processes accompanying the development of the largest subduction zone earthquakes, the history of the Indonesian through-flow and development of the Western Pacific warm pool, and the character of the oceanic Moho.We invite presentations relating to these and other issues stemming from the recent IODP expeditions, and others outlining scheduled future expeditions.