Session Details - AS41

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title The Linkages Between The Arctic Climate Change And Mid-latitude Climate And Weather
Main Convener Dr. Muyin Wang (University of Washington, United States)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Xiangdong Zhang (University of Alaska, United States)
Dr. Yong Luo (Tsinghua University, China)
Session Description The Arctic temperature has increased faster than the rest of the world, and the sea ice has declined at the pace never seen before since the beginning of 21st century. These profound changes to the Arctic have coincided with a period of ostensibly more frequent extreme weather events across the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes. The possibility of a link between Arctic change and mid-latitude weather has spurred research activities that reveal potential linkages between the two parts of the world. The intent of the session is to further the understanding of the coupling between Arctic variability and mid-latitude climate and weather by synthesizing ongoing efforts and exploring our key gaps.

This session aims to highlight new and emerging efforts focused on the linkage studies based on observations (in-situ or satellite derived), reanalysis products, and model simulation results. Papers are welcome on all aspects, particularly those to assess and synthesize existing knowledge on the links between Arctic climate change and mid-latitude weather variability including weather extremes; to identify key questions and knowledge gaps, with a particular attention on physical processes and scale interactions considering the relatively short time period of record and multiple components included in the hypothesized linkages; and to current modeling efforts on exploring the relationship between Arctic and mid-latitude weather and climate variability.