Session Details - AS30

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title Middle Atmosphere Science
Main Convener Prof. Hye-Yeong Chun (Yonsei University, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Shigeo Yoden (Kyoto University, Japan)
Prof. Zeyu Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Dr. S. K. Dhaka (University of Delhi, India)
Session Description This session is part of the annual AOGS-AS meetings. It appears as a continuation to the session AS13 of the same title in the AOGS 2015.
Presentations on research results on the dynamics and physics-chemistry processes in the middle atmosphere with time scales from weather to climate are welcome. Observation and data analysis, numerical experiments, and theoretical studies on the middle atmosphere are all solicited. Research topics include (but are not limited to):
- weather and climate, in particular intra-seasonal and inter-annual variations in the middle atmosphere;
- remote influences in the middle atmosphere, including tropical/extra-tropical interactions, vertical couplings in the tropics and polar regions;
- surface weather and climate variations relating to stratospheric processes;
- composition and transport in multiple spatial scales;
- dynamics, radiation, microphysics, and chemistry in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) or the extratropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS);
- coupling processes from the troposphere to lower thermosphere;
- middle atmosphere responses to anthropogenic climate change and other external forcing such as 11-year solar variations;
- middle atmosphere influences on long-term changes in both the troposphere and upper atmosphere;

We will invite new results that provide new insights into the science of the middle atmosphere in a changing climate. And we hope the session to be a platform for international scientific communities to discuss their current issues and future projections