Session Details - BG19

Session Details
Section BG - Biogeosciences
Session Title Coastal Zone Biogeochemistry And Management Solutions
Main Convener Dr. Yongming Luo (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Alice Newton (Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway)
Session Description The session will focus on coastal fluxes in the Anthropocene, especially the environmental biogeochemistry and management of nutrient and pollutants in the coastal zone. Papers will be invited that link the economic drivers and human activities leading to pressures, particularly nutrient and contaminant fluxes, that affect the state of the environment and ecosystems of the coastal zone. Submitted papers should not only describe and quantify the fluxes but also address issues such as bioaccumulation and subsequent impacts on human welfare ranging from health to economic effects. Presenters should also include possible solutions in the form of realistic recommendations of responses and measures to the appropriate stakeholders. Cost- benefit as well as long-medium-short term measures should be considered.