Session Details - SE15

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Promoting Geodetic and Geodynamic Applications of Static and Time-varying Gravimetry in Asia-oceania
Main Convener Prof. Cheinway Hwang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Ms. Dyah Pangastuti (Badan Informasi Geospasial, Indonesia)
Prof. Wenke Sun (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Prof. Yoichi Fukuda (Kyoto University, Japan)
Session Description Gravimetry is now widely used in various disciplines of geodesy and earth sciences. In the Asia-Oceania region, most countries have funded projects to collect gravity data with accuracies at the sub-mgal to few mgal levels using gravimeters on land and on moving platforms. Such gravity data are mostly sufficient for purposes such as geoid modeling, orthometric correction and preliminary investigations of geological structures, and already created huge scientific and engineering values. However, most Asia-Oceania countries do not share experiences and problems in collecting and processing their gravity data, limiting the advance of gravimetric science and engineering in the region. Ground-based measurements of gravity changes at the microgal level accuracy are costly and time-consuming, and are affected by a number of damaging factors that limit their applications. As such, only few Asia-Oceania countries reported results of ground-based time-varying studies. In view of the expanding economy in the Asia-Oceania region, more investments are needed to encourage time-varying gravity studies to investigate pressing issues such as plate tectonics, volcanism, landslide, erosion, groundwater loss, and land subsidence. This session welcomes papers dealing with all aspects of gravimetric data collection, processing and interpretation in the Asia-Oceania region and the world.