Session Details - SE21

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Fault Ruptures, Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazard of Southeast and East Asia
Main Convener Dr. Yu Wang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Co-convener(s) Prof. J. Bruce H. Shyu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Dr. Myo Thant (Monywa University, Myanmar)
Dr. Chung-Han Chan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Dr. Noelynna Ramos (University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines)
Session Description Southeast and East Asia is one of the worlds most tectonically active region. In the past decade, several destructive earthquakes struck this area, and highlights the need of a systemically understanding of its active tectonics, seismic hazard, and earthquake behaviors through advanced researches at different scale. These researches, including both on-land and offshore geological, seismological, geodetic and numerical simulations, would cover the the observations from different spatial- and time-scales, and could provide the complete picture covering the short-term fault rupture, the long-term geotectonic kinematics and their associated seismic hazard assessments in Southeast and East Asia.

In this session, we seek contributions from scientists who work at these advance research topics to enhance our understanding of regional active tectonics and earthquake behaviors. we welcome the study from characterizing individual earthquake events and interseismic crustal deformations to estimating the long-term fault rupture behaviours, fault kinematics and seismic hazards in this area. We encourage submissions from scientists in all disciplines of earthquake geology, including seismology, active tectonics, paleoseismology, paleo-tsunami, geodetic and seismological analysis, and modelling.