Session Details - SS09

Session Details
Section SS - Special Sessions
Session Title A Dialog with Future Earth
Main Convener Dr. Wing-Huen Ip (National Central University, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Tom Beer (Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd, Australia)
Prof. Dong-Kyou Lee (Seoul National University, Korea, South)
Prof. Kenji Satake (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Session Description Future Earth – first launched in 2015 - is a major international research platform providing the knowledge and support to promote transformation to a sustainable world. Many of the key challenges to be tackled by Future Earth such as the effects of climate change and global change on biodiversity, public health, urbanization, water, energy, food and the resilience of monsoon populations parallel the interest of the AOGS community. In order to initiate the potential development of a partnership between AOGS and Future Earth to maximize the scientific and social impacts to the Asia-Pacific region, a special session with eminent invited speakers is organized. In addition, poster presentations detailing strategy and research activities of different participants in Future Earth are very welcome.