Session Details - BG08

Session Details
Section BG - Biogeosciences
Session Title Ghg Budgets (co2, Ch4, N2o) of Asia-oceanian Terrestrial Ecosystem - Responses to Climate Change and Disturbances
Main Convener Dr. Naishen Liang (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Yingping Wang (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia)
Prof. Derrick Lai (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR)
Session Description Terrestrial ecosystems in Asian-Oceania occupy vast areas from tropical forests and wetlands in Southeast Asia and northern Australia to boreal ecosystems in both northern and southern hemispheres, and as well as alpine ecosystems on the Tibet Plateau. These ecosystems make a significant contribution to the regional and global budgets of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). However, the regional budgets of CO2, CH4 and N2O in Asian Oceania region and how these budgets will vary in the future remain highly uncertain with increasing population pressure, climate change, natural and human disturbances. Accurately quantifying CO2/CH4/N2O balances is critical for setting targets for their emission reductions and to identify and promote effective mitigation strategies. We encourage presentations from various approaches and issues such as observation, experiment and modelling that can bridge knowledge gaps in process understanding and across different spatial and temporal scales.