Session Details - PS10

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Comparative Aeronomy of Solar System Bodies
Main Convener Dr. Jun Cui (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Robert Lillis (University of California, Berkeley, United States)
Dr. Anne Wellbrock (University College London, United Kingdom)
Prof. Wei-Ling Tseng (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Session Description Aeronomy, coined by Dr. Sidney Chapman more than 60 years ago and to be distinguished from meteorology, is the study of the upper regions of planetary atmospheres where ionization and dissociation are important. Over the past several decades, many planetary missions (Mars Express, Venus Express, Pioneer Venus Orbiter, Cassini-Huygens, Messenger, MAVEN, Rosetta, etc.) have contributed substantially to our knowledge of the physical, chemical, and dynamical processes occurring within the mesospheres, thermospheres, exospheres, and ionospheres of various Solar System objects, as well as the couplings of these regions both downward with the lower atmospheres and upward with the plasma environments. The comparative approach is becoming increasingly fruitful when applied to Solar System objects as both spacecraft- and ground-based datasets are accumulated and interpreted by sophisticated multi-species fluid and kinetic models. In this session, we invite abstracts on observational, theoretical, and experimental results of different aspects of aeronomical processes within the Solar System. We also invite presentations on relevant future planetary missions (scientific goals, instrumentations, etc.). Both solicited and contributed talks will be included.