Session Details - AS37

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title Earth System Models: Development, Validation and Uncertainties
Main Convener Prof. Xiaohong Liu (University of Wyoming, United States)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Zhaohui Lin (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Dr. Shaocheng Xie (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States)
Dr. Yi Ming (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States)
Prof. Huang-Hsiung Hsu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Session Description Earth system models (ESMs) have been the critical tool for understanding past climate change and projecting future climate. Since CMIP5, substantial efforts have been undertaken in major climate modeling centers around the world to develop and improve the representations of ESM components (e.g., atmosphere, ocean, land, and sea and land ice).

In the dawn of CMIP6, this session aims to provide a forum for scientists working in the fields and ESM centers to exchange the progress and advances of model developments. Relevant topics include (not limited to): (1) representation of physical and chemical processes in atmosphere models, related to convection, clouds, aerosol, and their interactions; (2) representation of processes in other ESM components; (3) interactions and feedbacks of the Earth system; (4) model uncertainties and long-standing biases; and (5) novel tools for model validation and testing.