Session Details - HS18

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Individual and Compound Extremes in Hydrology: Observations and Models
Main Convener Dr. Zengchao Hao (Beijing Normal University, China)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Vijay Singh (Texas A&M University, United States)
Prof. Bellie Sivakumar (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Session Description It has been well recognized that climate change has increased the severity and frequency of a wide range of extremes around the globe. Studies of climate and weather extremes have attracted much attention in recent decades due to their wide impacts. In addition, the co-occurrence of two or more extremes (or the compound extreme) may lead to even larger impacts to the human society and ecosystems when compared to the impacts caused by an individual extreme. Thus, it is of particular importance to study these extremes separately and jointly to mitigate the potential impacts of climate change.
This session covers a wide range of topics on individual and compound extremes that include (but not limited to): (1) diagnosis and modeling of weather and climate extremes (e.g., drought, flood, heat wave, cold wave, storm surge, high sea level, significant wave height) and their impacts; (2) interactions between different processes (e.g., feedback) or phenomena (monsoon or EI Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)) that lead to individual extremes or compound extremes; (3) Characterization and modeling of compound extremes (e.g., compound drought and heat wave, storm surge and heavy rainfall/streamflow); (4) Climate change impacts on different properties of extremes (e.g., frequency, duration, severity); and (5) Statistical inference of extremes in the univariate and/or multivariate setting at different temporal and spatial scales. We invite abstracts relevant to research on all these topics of extremes.