Session Details - PS06

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Magnetospheres, Atmospheres, Exopheres of Outer Planets and Their Satellites
Main Convener Dr. Norbert Krupp (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Linda Spilker (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States)
Dr. Scott Bolton (Southwest Research Institute, United States)
Prof. Sushil Atreya (University of Michigan, United States)
Session Description This session welcomes papers about Magnetospheres, atmospheres, exopheres of Outer planets and their satellites with special emphasis on observations (both from space and from the ground), modelling, and theoretical interpretation. Abstracts on satellite interactions with their neutral and charged environments, supporting laboratory investigations and concepts for future spacecraft missions and investigations are also relevant to this session. We especially welcome papers about the Cassini mission Grand Finale time period as well as results from the most recent Juno data.