Session Details - PS08

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Polarization as a Tool for Exploration of Earth, Solar System and Beyond
Main Convener Dr. Padma A Yanamandra-Fisher (Space Science Institute, United States)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Shashikiran Ganesh (Physical Research Laboratory, India)
Prof. Svetlana Berdyugina (Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics, Germany)
Dr. Ludmilla Kolokolova (University of Maryland, United States)
Session Description Polarimetry is a powerful observing tool and modeling technique, providing information about astronomical objects that cannot be obtained by traditional photometric/spectroscopic observations. Applications include characterization of solar system objects (Sun, Earth, planetary atmospheres, aurorae, comets, asteroids, planetary satellites/ring systems, dust, etc.) to the detection of exoplanets and identification of biological markers in search of habitability. Innovative developments in vector radiative transfer theory ; laboratory measurements, and the increasing significance of non-sphericity effects on retrieval efforts showcase the importance of polarimetric exploration of the solar system and other planetary systems. This session is open to papers about observations of solar system bodies, theoretical or experimental investigations, instrumental developments ground-based facilities or onboard future space missions.