Session Details - PS09-04

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Science and Exploration of Mars and Venus
Main Convener Prof. Varun Sheel (Physical Research Laboratory, India)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Shuanggen Jin (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Dr. Joseph Michalski (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR)
Dr. Deanne Rogers (Stony Brook University, United States)
Dr. Timothy Glotch (Stony Brook University, United States)
Session Description This session covers the study of the ionosphere, atmosphere,
surface and interior of Mars and Venus. We invite abstracts on results from ground-based observations as well as recent and ongoing missions to Mars and Venus (for eg., ExoMars Mars Express, Venus Express, Mars Odyssey, MRO, MERs,Phoenix,
Mars Science Laboratory, MAVEN, Indian Mars mission, etc.)

We envisage to have presentations on measurements and theoretical models dealing with the ionospheric environment and its interaction with the solar wind; the atmospheric composition, dynamics and climate; the surface morphology, geology, geochemistry and mineralogy; the deep interior and subsurface structure of both Mars and Venus.

The session will also include presentations on various aspects
(like their scientific goals, long-term plans, technology etc.) of
future missions and missions about to be launched to Mars and Venus (e.g , InSight, ExoMars Rover, Mangalyan-2, 2020 Chinese Mars Mission, Mars 2020, etc.). We also invite abstracts on comparative planetology of terrestrial planets. Both solicited talks and contributed presentations will be included in the program.