Session Details - PS11

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Science and Exploration of the Moon and Mercury
Main Convener Dr. Jorn Helbert (German Aerospace Center, Germany)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Makiko Ohtake (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan)
Dr. Kyeong Ja Kim (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea, South)
Dr. Gordon Chin (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, United States)
Prof. Long Xiao (China University of Geosciences, China)
Session Description Recent space missions have given us new insights on both, the Moon and Mercury. While in the past the Moon was often considered as a Mercury analog, we now have come to realize that similarities between the two only apply to a limited extent. In fact, the different characteristics of the Moon and Mercury allow us to learn more about the formation and evolution of terrestrial planets and satellites in the Solar System in general. We invite contributions on the Moon and Mercury; in addition, we welcome contributions on comparative studies of the two planetary bodies.