Session Details - SS03

Session Details
Section SS - Special Sessions
Session Title Science Driven E-infrastructures and Data Management in Support of Geosciences Research
Main Convener Prof. Ming-Hsu Li (National Central University, Taiwan)
Prof. Tsair-Fuh Lin (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Prof. Yue-Gau Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Mustapha Mokrane (ICSU-WDS International Programme Offices, France)
Session Description The impact of environmental change research and resulting data can be dramatically increased through transnational collaborations and transdisciplinary approaches that accelerate scientific discoveries and socioeconomic innovation. Existing research initiatives have successfully combined advanced systems and computer sciences, technologies, and large/complex datasets to tackle transdisciplinary scientific challenges. However, international best practices for data management and data use e-infrastructures are not always implemented across disciplines and domains covered by these initiatives.

The Belmont Forum (, an international partnership of 25 national science funding agencies and councils, launched, in 2015, the e-Infrastructures & Data Management (e-I&DM) Project ( to identify, evaluate and promote transnational collaborations, best practices, and policies on open-data management, data-use e-infrastructures, and training that enable effective open data sharing and use in transdisciplinary global environmental research.

In 2018, the Belmont Forum is launching a Coordinated Research Action (CRA) on Science-driven e-Infrastructure Innovation (SEI) for the Enhancement of Transnational and Interdisciplinary Data Use in Environmental Change. The SEI CRA is a competitive, four-year funded call targeting initiatives that bring together environmental, social and economic sciences with data science, computational sciences, and cyberinfrastructure developers and providers to solve the methodological, technological and procedural challenges currently facing transdisciplinary environmental change researchers working with large, complex and multi-source transnational data.

The SEI CRA will intimately link research thinking and technological innovation to deliver translatable pilots and demonstrators for accelerating, through internationally federated data integration and analysis systems, the full-path of discovery-driven data use and open science, that will benefit the broader scientific community and society.

This session will present activities of the e-I&DM Project and the SEI CRA, together with related research activities and initiatives designed to accelerate the full path of data use from open data sharing, curation and management to data analysis and distilling information that support reproducible scientific research.