Session Details - OS02-AS

Session Details
Section OS - Ocean Sciences
AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title Tropical Cyclone-ocean Interactions
Main Convener Prof. I-I Lin (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Guihua Wang (Fudan University, China)
Dr. Chunzai Wang (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, China)
Prof. Dake Chen (State Oceanic Administration, China)
Session Description Tropical Cyclone (TC)-Ocean interactions are critical processes for TC change because the ocean is the energy source for TCs. The air-sea interaction processes involve energy and momentum exchange and are important for both TC and the ocean. Theoretical, observational and numerical modelling studies in this field are making strikingly progresses during the past years. How these progresses can contribute to the future TC activity projection and ocean prediction is important. This session welcomes papers under the broad discipline of TC and ocean physical interactions on different timescales of weather to climate. It intends to provide a friendly platform for interactions among oceanographers, atmospheric scientists, and climatologists.