Session Details - PS14

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Planetary Data in the Big Data Era
Main Convener Dr. Jian-Yang Li (Planetary Science Institute, United States)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Ludmilla Kolokolova (University of Maryland, United States)
Dr. Sebastien Besse (European Space Agency, Spain)
Session Description This session is about all aspects related to planetary science data, including but not limited to, data collection, cataloging, archiving, sharing, searching, manipulation, data mining, and the applications of big data technology. We welcome contributed abstracts on any data-related topics. Data is the blood of planetary science. A tremendous amount of data is being generated every day in planetary science researches, by space exploration missions, ground-based and space-based surveys, and laboratory measurements, etc., together with those high-level data products. Data technologies are playing more and more important roles in planetary researches, especially in the big data era. Archiving and public release of all data from planetary science exploration missions as well as ground-based observing and laboratory facilities have been recognized to be of great importance and broad community interest. A number of data archiving organizations are contributing to this effort. These archives provide long-term preservation of a broad variety of data, including, but not limited to, raw and calibrated imaging, spectroscopy, dust, plasma and magnetic field, particle data, etc., as well as the high-level derived data products. The ultimate goal of data archives is to facilitate combined scientific analyses using data covering long time-baselines and multiple observations for the new phenomena and scientific objectives emerging in future times. In addition, new technologies have been developed to support large ground- and space-based survey observations of planetary objects, and to support automated processing, cataloging, searching, and analysis. The collection, archiving, and public release of ever-growing amount of planetary data will ultimately enable the applications of big data technologies in planetary science research. This session provides us with a forum to discuss the new developments in activities, technologies, and concepts related to planetary science data.