Session Details - PS13

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Planetary Interiors and Magnetism
Main Convener Prof. Keke Zhang (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Johannes Wicht (MPG, Germany)
Prof. Emilio Herrero-Bervera (University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States)
Prof. Yongxin Pan (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Dr. John Tarduno (University of Rochester, United States)
Session Description This session will discuss a wide range of topics including
the internal structure and shape of planets, convection or mechanically driven flow
in planetary interiors, the origin and maintenance of planetary magnetic fields, planetary dynamo modeling, the coupling between core and mantle,
the spatial and temporal structure of planetary magnetic fields,
spacecraft measurements of planetary magnetic fields,
the directional and strength variation of geomagnetic field,
the magnetic field and habitability of planets,
and interpretations of planetary gravitational data.
All contributions in connection with the subject of planetary interiors and magnetism are welcome.