Session Details - ST-PS15

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Future and Current Space Missions and Instrumentation for Space and Planetary Science
Main Convener Dr. Takeshi Sakanoi (Tohoku University, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Yoshifumi Saito (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan)
Prof. Jongho Seon (Kyung Hee University, Korea, South)
Dr. Anil Bhardwaj (Physical Research Laboratory, India)
Prof. Andrew Yau (University of Calgary, Canada)
Session Description This is a joint session between the Planetary Science (PS) and Solar Terrestrial (ST) Sections. This session is devoted to scientific instrumentation and measurement techniques for all aspects of Solar-Terrestrial and Planetary Exploration. This session also deals with Space Missions that will be launched in the near future or are being planned for the future, as well as sounding rocket experiments, ground-based observatories or facilities dedicated to planetary and solar terrestrial sciences. Our goal is to stimulate interests in these missions and facilities and to foster potential collaborations therein among instrument scientists and engineers as well as other researchers in the two disciplines. We particularly welcome contributions on international collaboration initiatives in the upcoming missions, those on new instrumentation and related mission concepts and enabling technologies, as well as those on instruments currently in space or ready for launch. Contributions on design principles, miniaturization, shared subsystems, component selection, and instrument calibration are also welcomed.