Session Details - BG03-IG

Session Details
Section BG - Biogeosciences
IG - Interdisciplinary Geosciences
Session Title The Coupling of Monsoon Systems with Land and Ocean Biogeochemistry
Main Convener Dr. Prabir Patra (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Benjamin Poulter (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States)
Prof. Siew Moi Phang (University of Malaya, Malaysia)
Session Description The Asian, African and American monsoon systems have strong coupling with biogeochemical process on land and ocean. Major agricultural activities and terrestrial plant growths are strongly linked with the monsoon systems in the tropical regions. Land use and land cover changes is believed to have biogeochemical effects on Earth’s future climate. There is a strong feedback of the terrestrial biosphere on the precipitation, e.g., a reduction of evapotranspiration could result in low humidity and decrease the prevalence of rain. Also during the dry season large scale forest fires disturb the livelihood of millions by degrading air quality and changes the chemical composition of the troposphere. The monsoonal flow over the oceans changes nutrient supply and thus the ocean biology. We invite work resulting from remote sensing, and statistical and numerical modeling analyses.