Session Details - SE24-29

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Active Volcanic Processes from the Mantle to the Atmosphere: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Monitoring, Hazards, and Impacts
Main Convener Dr. Florian M. Schwandner (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, United States)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Clara Solaro (University of Hawaii at Manoa-School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology SOEST, United States)
Dr. Helena Albert (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Dr. Yosuke Aoki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Session Description Volcanoes are capable of large explosive eruptions, producing high eruptive plumes or pyroclastic density currents. Gases and Tephra can thus be spread over considerable distances and affect the human environment over large areas and/or long timescales, which makes studies of these volcanoes even more important. Multidisciplinary data sets and observations of the activity of these volcanoes allow to better constrain their eruptive behavior, to unravel how magmatic systems move from quiescence to unrest and to eruptions, and to assess the impacts of eruptions on societies, environment, and climate. Combining multiple areas of study on the same target is key to significantly improving our understanding of volcanic systems. In this session, we bring together research on fundamental processes, observations, models, and applications from the pre-, syn-, and post-eruption research, monitoring, and forecast communities, attempting to promote new inter- and multi-disciplinary approaches among the participants presenting their research. Contributions in this session focus on petrological, geophysical, volcanological and atmospheric science field/instrumental/lab observations and/or on physical models explaining, reconstructing, and forecasting volcanic activity, and their impacts.