Session Details - SE41-33

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Environmental and Applied Mineralogy and Ore Deposits
Main Convener Prof. Tsutomu Sato (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Carlo Arcilla (University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines)
Prof. Mega Rosana (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia, Indonesia)
Dr. Hai Thanh Tran (Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Viet Nam)
Dr. Kotaro Yonezu (Kyushu University, Japan)
Session Description This session invites papers on various aspects of applied mineralogy in environment and global metallogeny of ore deposits. Studies on various aspects of clay mineralogy, applications of mineralogy in exploration, metal recoveries, and pollution mitigation are also welcome. Applied mineralogical studies on industrial processes will be considered, as well as various applications of X-Ray diffraction studies. Asia Oceania Region is vastly rich in base metals, precious metals, tin–tungsten, gems and hydrocarbons and the last exploration challenges remaining in the world and to develop these resources in a sustainable manner. The region consists of a collage of continental blocks or fragments such as South China, Indochina, Sibumasu, and West Myanmar-Sumatra terranes which were rifted away from the margin of Gondwana at different periods in the Phanerozoic, and led to the opening of the Palaeo-, Meso- and Neotethyan (or Cenotethys) Oceans. Recently advances have been made in understanding these tectonic processes, through the study of geochronology, geochemistry, seismicity, stratigraphy and structure. We welcome contributions of current development of regional geological and tectonic evolution of the region enabling further research and exploration of these crustal blocks and terranes in the region.