Session Details - AS07

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title Behavior of Monsoon in the Current and Future Climate: Comparisons Among Different Monsoon Regions
Main Convener Dr. Wen Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Congwen Zhu (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China)
Dr. Lin Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Dr. Patama Singhruck (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Mr. Hirokazu Endo (Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan)
Session Description Monsoon is an important component of the Earth’s climate system. Its onset, evolution, and variability is crucial for the people that live in monsoon regions because anomalous behaviors of monsoon often leads to natural hazards, such as flooding, droughts, heat waves, and blizzards, which significantly affect the society and human lives. There are many regional monsoons in the world such as South Asian monsoon, East Asian monsoon, Australian monsoon, Western African monsoon, and North American monsoon. On one hand, these regional monsoons behave in their own distinctive ways. On the other hand, they are linked to each other in some ways and to some extent. It is interesting and important to understand the linkages among different regional monsoons in the current climate so that a complete picture of global monsoon can be obtained. It is also necessary to compare and understand the possible changes of different regional monsoons in a future warmer world so that the possible responses of monsoons to climate change and associated mechanism can be obtained.

The focus of this session is to discuss the behaviors of different regional monsoon in the current and future climate, to compare their similarity and differences, and to explore and understand their possible linkages. We welcome all relevant research works involving observational, theoretical and numerical modeling studies. Abstracts in the following topics are particularly encouraged: (1) Onset and evolution of regional monsoons; (2) Variability of regional monsoons on various timescales spanning from intraseasonal, interannual and interdecadal; (3) Mechanism and predictions of regional monsoon variability; (4) Responses of regional monsoons to global warming; (5) Predictability of different regional monsoons’ behaviors in the current and future climate.