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GEOMEET is Live!

GEOMEET is the online matching portal that connects you with the geosciences world community congregating at AOGS2009 taking place from 11 to 15 August, 2009 in Singapore at the SUNTEC International Convention & Exhibition Centre.

All officially registered attendees with an account on MARS and GEOMEET (representatives of exhibiting companies, publishers and university showcase have user accounts here) can access this portal to view the participant listing and to arrange one-on-one meetings with their targeted buyers, sellers, research collaborators, publishers, authors for information exchange, business and professional networking.

If you are an exhibitor representative

  1. Log-in to GEOMEET using your current log-in email and user password
  2. Click "One-on-One Meetings" on the left menu
  3. From the drop down menu, view AOGS2009 participant listing to select your targeted contacts
  4. Click "Request One-on-One Meeting" to customize and send your request
  5. Each user is eligible to make up to 50 One-on-One Meeting Requests
  6. This service ends 15 August 2009 or as soon as you have made 50 requests.

If you are a registered AOGS participant

  1. Long-in on MARS using your current log-in email and user password
  2. Click "One-on-One Meetings" on the left menu
  3. Browse and select a GEOMEET Exhibitor or from the Section Listing - exhibitors are grouped by their specialties - AS, HS, OS, PS, SE, Publishing, Curriculum, Research Programs, etc
  4. Click “Request One-on-One Meeting” to customize and send your request
    You may make as many requests as you like.
  5. This service ends 15 August 2009 which is the last day of the exhibition.

Book NOW!

Geosciences World Community Exhibition at AOGS 7th Annual Meeting
5 to 8 July, 2010 IN HYDERABAD, INDIA

All packages include the design, printing and mailing of 50 invitation cards to addresses. Exhibitors can also enjoy access to GEOMEET the online business matching portal, where you get to meet targeted buyers, sellers, research collaborators, publishers, authors and for information exchange, business and professional networking.

Exhibition Enquiries – Please email: geomeet@asiaoceania.org


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