AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2008 to 2010
Candidate of:
Ocean Science (OS) Section President
Minhan Dai
Director & Chair Professor of Marine Biogeochemistry
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science
Xiamen University Xiamen China
Publications CV |
Mission Statement
My vision for AOGS is that AOGS has to be an international society. We shall promote AGOS to become the world’s AOGS. However, a first step to achieve this is that geoscientists from Asian-Oceanic regions are fully aware of AOGS and are willing to regard AOGS a major platform for the community.
My strength to serve as a president of ocean section may lie in the following aspects:
I had an early education background in China and a higher one in France, and postdoctoral/employment experiences in the US, and thus I have strong liaisons to both Europe and America. I shall thus be able to contribute to promote AOGS into an even more international perspective.
I have served many services both at the national and the international community. I have been chairing the Chinese Society of Marine Chemistry since 2000, and am currently a vice chair for China-LOICZ working group. I am a SSC member of GEOTRACES sponsored by SCOR (refer to my CV for more information).
The current position of mine as a director of State Key Lab of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) manifests that I should have the administrative capability and supporting team to coordinate and organize scientific activities and events. As a chair of the local organizing committee, I coordinated, together with SOLAS IPO and made the 3rd SOLAS Open Conference (March 6-9, 2007, Xiamen, China) very successful and extremely well received. 220 participants from 33 nations gathered together during this event.
In summary, I have the experience and the willingness to well serve AOGS.