
- Each conference registration
covers TWO papers
- Visa or MasterCard payment is preferred.
- An additional SGD60.00 (USD40)
administrative fee will be charged for telegraphic transfer/ bank
drafts/ cashier’s order forms of payment.
- Registration and payment after 13 July 2007 will only be accepted onsite. (Visa/Master or Cash – Sin Dollars or USD preferred, Thai Baht acceptable)
- For cash payment onsite, all amounts will be rounded up to the higher dollar value. Please prepare exact amount as we shall be unable to return change.
- There will be no refunds for registration
cancellation/withdrawal after 15 June 2007. As for all cancellations
made before 15 June 2007, a SGD60.00 administrative fee (USD40)
- Registration confirmation is subject
to payment being received. Once payment is received, the transaction records can be viewed / printed online.

Online registration is closed. For enquiries, please contact info@asiaoceania.org.