Waiver Application has been Closed
To apply for fee waiver, please log
into MARS (Management And Review of Submissions)
system. Create a user account
if you don't have one.
- Financial support is only in the
form of conference registration fee waiver and is not transferable.
Abstract processing, travel & accommodation costs are not
- Applicants MUST SUBMIT
ABSTRACTS by the given deadline below.
- Each will be required to list up
to THREE representative works in the last five
years for better evaluation of stature and paper quality.
- Applications must be received
by February 28, 2007 (deadline extended).
- Session Convenors will evaluate
all applications & return their ranking.
- Financial Support Committee will
develop priority list based on recommendations from Session Convenors,
available funds & the overall demand.
Important Dates
28 February 2007 (closed) – Fee Waiver Application
& Submission Deadline
26 March 2007 – Fee Waiver Support Notification
26 April 2007 – Author Must Register by this date or offer
automatically lapses
Evaluation Criteria and Ranking
- Paper quality based on scientific
contents and merits
- Financial need
- Stature (in favour of scientists
in junior positions)
- Technical contribution and significance
to session