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AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2010 to 2012


Minhan Dai (CV)
State Key Lab of Marine Environmental Science
Xiamen University, China

My vision for AOGS is that AOGS has to be an influential international society. We shall promote AOGS become the world’s AOGS, highly regarded internationally beyond an organization of excellence in the Asia-Pacific region. However, a first step to achieve this is that geoscientists from Asian-Oceanic regions are fully aware of AOGS and are willing to regard AOGS as a major platform for the community and sharing the same scientific interest. With a fast growing AOGS and an excellent team, I trust I will be able to work together with AOGS team for a better off AOGS.

My strength to serve as a secretary general may lie in the following aspects:

I had an early education background in China and a higher one in France, and postdoctoral/employment experiences in the US, and thus I have strong liaisons to both Europe and America. I shall thus be able to contribute to promote AOGS into an even more international perspective.

I have served quite a few national and the international committees. I have been chairing the Chinese Society of Marine Chemistry since 2000, and am currently a vice chair for China-LOICZ working group. I am a SSC member of GEOTRACES and SOLAS.

The current position of mine as a director of State Key Lab of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) as well as the dean of College of Oceanography and Environmental Science manifests that I should have the administrative capability and supporting team to coordinate and organize scientific activities and events. As a chair of the local organizing committee, I coordinated, together with SOLAS IPO and made the 3rd SOLAS Open Conference (March 6-9, 2007, Xiamen, China) very successful and the 10th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium (May 18-22, Xiamen China) extremely fruitful as well. 

In summary, I am confident that I have the experiences and the willingness to well serve AOGS.


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