Untitled Document
AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2012 to 2014
Akira Mano (CV)
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University |
Recently we have record-breaking heavy rains in Asian and Oceanian countries. Some of them cause huge impacts to not only local societies but also global economy. To collect data, to find the mechanism and to show the mitigation on the disaster are one of the most important mission of Hydrological Science.
Influences of global warming are getting visible in various hydrological aspects of water resources, water qualities, ecosystems, etc. To detect the impacts of the global warming, to predict them in near and far features, to find the adaptations and to show the managements are another needful mission of HS.
I have been a session convener since AOGS 2007 in Bangkok and delivered HS Section lecture in AOGS 2010. I will promote these issues by encouraging the relating sessions, planning the lectures, cooperating with the outer organizations.