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Untitled Document

AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2012 to 2014


Sho Sasaki (CV)
Professor of Radioastronomy & Planetary Science
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Thanks to great efforts of session chairs and contributors, I think that sessions of planetary section at past AOGS meetings have been basically successful in the quality of science and overall coverage. I would like to encourage the interrelation between various sessions.  Interdisciplinary works among various fields are important for the development of planetary sciences. For example, results of planetary missions should be discussed with theoretical, experimental and other observational studies. Recently contributions from planetary astronomy and astrophysics are increasing in AOGS and I will promote this trend.  Moreover I will promote the field of cosmochemistry and laboratory planetary sciences.   I will also encourage joint sessions between planetary and other sections of AOGS. One of my proposals is to have an interdisciplinary session of invited talks of various fields once in two years. This session should be held in a large room and no other planetary (and related) sessions should be running simultaneously.
Collaboration with other societies will be more important for future AOGS. Currently AOGS have a relation with EGU and in effect our planetary section has a lot of European attendees. Since we will have AOGS-AGU(WPGM) Joint Assembly in 2012, we can build a new relationship with AGU also.

In Asia, JpGU (Japan Geoscience Union) and AGU has good relationship. There is a joint international session at JpGU and we can create such session in planetary science also. As a board member of JSPS (Japanese Society of Planetary Science), I will propose to build a new relationship between AOGS planetary section and JSPS. Moreover, I would like to promote tight relationship between AOGS and planetary societies/scientists in Asian countries. There are important planetary communities in Australia, India, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and recently in China. Although not all of Asian countries have a notable number of planetary scientists, we find astronomers, space scientists, geochemists, and geophysicists in most countries. We should take more efforts to facilitate planetary sciences in those countries. Especially I would like to promote participation of students – next generation scientists from such countries.