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Exhibiting Companies
ADC BioScientific Ltd.
ADC BioScientific Ltd. is a world leading developer and manufacturer of high quality environmental research instrumentation. Our equipment in used by scientists throughout the world to investigate various aspects of the carbon cycle including Environmental sciences, Plant physiology and Soil CO2 flux. Few companies can claim similar experience, expertise and continual innovation
Advanced Geoscience Instruments Company (AGICO)
AGICO (Advanced Geoscience Instruments Company) situated in Brno, Czech Republic, is one of the most respected world producers of scientific instruments for rock magnetism and palaeomagnetism and environmental magnetism. AGICO instruments enable the following: measurement of remanent magnetization, AF demagnetization, measurement of magnetic susceptibility and anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility, measurement of frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, investigation of temperature variation of bulk susceptibility, investigation of anisotropy of isothermal and anhysteretic magnetic remanence.
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is an international scientific society of more than 60,000 members representing over 148 countries, committed to advancing Earth and space science. AGU provides a collaborative forum for the geophysical community through scientific journals, books, meetings, a weekly news service, scientific and technical committee activities, and online data and information services. AGU links scientists with policy makers as resources in order to facilitate informed decisions and ensure a sustainable future.

AOGS2013 Brisbane
BCEC is proud to be selected as the venue for AOGS 2013. With 44 meeting rooms including 3 stand alone tiered auditoria, BCEC is Australia’s most flexible meeting & events venue. Australia’s most awarded venue, BCEC is located in the city’s unique riverside cultural precinct at South Bank. The Centre's home city of Brisbane provides excellent accessibility to the Asia Pacific region.
Brisbane, Australia’s new world city has saved a place for AOGS 2013. Positive and forward thinking, Brisbane is a new world city of ideas, innovators and industry makers. Our city is a fresh Australian option for conferences offering many opportunities for business networking through a diversity of local leisure experiences and natural attractions.
Bartington Instruments
We are leaders in the design and manufacture of high precision fluxgate magnetometers, gradiometers and magnetic susceptibility instrumentation. Applications include climatology, sedimentology and geomorphology. Geoscientists worldwide use our instruments for surveying and measuring geomagnetic fields. Our MS instrumentation can be integrated into measuring systems in both exploration and research geophysics.
Beta Analytic Inc
ISO 17025-accredited Beta Analytic is a dedicated radiocarbon dating laboratory with standard turnaround time of 14 business days for its AMS Dating service. Expedited services are available (2-6 business days). All analyses are performed in-house by dedicated professional scientists. Multiple laboratories in Miami, Florida, ensure redundancy and dependable delivery. Respected worldwide for accuracy, quality, and customer care. Results are accessible 24/7 via web access.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press dates from 1534 and is the publishing business of the University of Cambridge. Dedicated to excellence, our purpose is to further the University's objective of advancing knowledge, education, learning, and research.
Decagon Devices
Decagon Devices is a leading manufacturer of environmental research equipment for soil and plant research. We have a variety of sensors and lab instruments for use with hydrological systems and soils science. Our soil moisture sensors are used worldwide for long-term hydrologic studies of water movement at different locations and depths. We also manufacture infiltrometers for hydraulic conductivity and equipment for measuring water potential. Stop by to see our new water depth/conductivity/temperature sensor and our vapor sorption analyzer that automatically generates soil water characteristic curves.
Earth Observatory of Singapore/NTU
The Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) conducts fundamental research on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, sea level rise and climate change in and around Southeast Asia. Its mission is to understand and address earth processes that pose threats to our societies, in order to make them safer and more sustainable.
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan, is the largest university institute for Solid Earth Science in our country, and is one of the oldest and renowned of its kind in the world with over 80 top-notch academics. We deal with: earthquake, tsunami, volcano, and Earth's interior.
Earth Science Research Promotion Center, (National Central University) &
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
The Taiwan Earth Science Research Promotion Center (ESRPC) is an office under the National Science Council of Taiwan. Its primary mission is to promote advanced research in Taiwan in Earth Science-related disciplines, including Geology, Geophysics, Geography, Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, and Space Sciences. Every year, ESRPC provides support for the international scholars to visit Taiwan, and sponsors scientific conferences held in Taiwan. The current director is Dr. Yu-Chieng Liou, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the National Central University. ESRPC also assists the distribution of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), a SCI journal published bi-monthly by CGU of Taiwan since 1990. TAO accepts research articles, reviews, notes and correspondence in all fields of the Earth Sciences. For more information about ESRPC and TAO, please visit http://esrpc.ncu.edu.tw/ and http://tao.cgu.org.tw
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
The European Geosciences Union (EGU - www.egu.eu) is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. It is a non-profit international and interdisciplinary learned association of scientists founded in 2002. The EGU has a current portfolio of 14 diverse scientific journals, which use an innovative “open access” format, and organises a number of topical meetings, conference series and education and outreach activities. Its General Assembly is the largest and most prominent event in the geosciences held in Europe, attracting over 10,000 scientists from all over the world each year.
GNS Science / Rafter Radiocarbon
Rafter Radiocarbon (www.rafterradiocarbon.co.nz) is the worlds oldest radiocarbon lab and part of GNS Science, New Zealand's earth science research institute. Together with our Cosmogenic and Stable Isotope Labs we provide dating and isotope analysis services for clients worldwide, focusing on geological resources, isotope biogeosciences, and natural hazards.
Gempa GmbH
gempa GmbH specializes in development and support of natural hazard monitoring software, in particular earthquake monitoring and tsunami early warning. gempa is a commercial spin-off of the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) and nowadays the main developer of the seismic real-time analysis system SeisComP3.
Guralp Systems Limited
Guralp Systems a world leader in the design and manufacture of low-noise broadband systems. Founded in 1985 we develop and build surface, borehole and OBS instruments for a wide range of applications, e.g Geo Hazard monitoring, Induced Seismicity, Micro seismic, Passive seismic, Life of Field monitoring, Frac monitoring and VSP.
ICT international Pty Ltd
ICT International has developed and manufactures sap flow & stem psychrometer instruments, soil moisture sensors, weather stations and logging systems. Wireless data logging platforms developed specifically for outdoor environmental monitoring in rugged situations are core technology and can be adapted to many applications.
ITS Science & Medical Pte Ltd
Isoprime Ltd is an established manufacturer of stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers. Our sole focus is high-performance measurements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur stable isotopes. Our portfolio includes a range of inlet systems including: Elemental Analysers, Head Space Analysers and interfaces for Gas and Liquid Chromatographs.
Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)
Japan Geoscience Union or JpGU is the only one organization representing earth planetary science related societies in response to the renovation of Science council of Japan. We aim to promote diffuse and contribute to earth planetary sciences as a whole through international partnerships, transmission of information to the public, research activities and promoting information exchange, representing earth planetary science societies in Japan
KIPP & ZONEN Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Kipp & Zonen is the leading specialist in the measurement of solar radiation and atmospheric properties. Through our knowledge and experience in the highly demanding fields of meteorology and climatology, we are able to provide a range of high quality instruments that are also ideal for agriculture, hydrology and water management applications, such as our new LAS MkII scintillometer.
For more information, please visit our website.
Nanometrics Inc
Nanometrics is the world’s largest manufacturer and integrator of specialty instruments, software and data communications systems for seismological monitoring.
Users with mission-critical environmental and earthquake surveillance requirements that demand the highest possible data quality, reliability and availability deploy Nanometrics products with confidence.
Nanometrics real-time and portable systems are in use on every continent and in more than 100 countries by government institutions, universities and test ban treaty monitoring organizations.
NASA Earth System Science conducts and sponsors research on global climate and environmental change and its consequences for life on Earth. Our observations from space help to identify the sources of change in the Earth system, their magnitude and trends, and how the Earth system will change in the future. |
Nu Instruments
Nu Instruments is a high technology manufacturing company based in Great Britain. We design and manufacture analytical instruments that are both technically advanced and proven to be very reliable. The Nu Instruments range of products includes multi-collector ICP-MS, high resolution ICP-MS, stable isotope MS, Noble gas MS and glow discharge MS. Please visit our web site www.nu-ins.com
Office of Naval Research Global
The U.S. Office of Naval Research Global (ONR Global) provides worldwide science & technology (S&T)-based solutions for current and future naval challenges. Leveraging the expertise of more than 50 scientists, technologists and engineers, ONR Global maintains a physical presence on five continents. The command reaches out to the broad global technical community and the operational fleet/force commands to foster cooperation in areas of mutual interest and to bring the full range of possibilities to the Navy and Marine Corps.
Refraction Technology, Inc.
REF TEK provides customers in the geophysical market with complete turnkey solutions including high resolution recorders, broadband sensors, state-of-the-art communications, installation, training, and customer support. From portable or telemetry earthquake monitoring, earthquake aftershock recording, structural monitoring and more, REF TEK equipment is suitable for a wide variety of application needs. |
Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
Sequoia Scientific, Inc. manufactures the LISST series of laser particle sizers for measuring the size and concentration of suspended particles in the aquatic environment.
Springer Verlag GmbH
Springer is the largest publisher of books in science, technology, and medicine (STM) sector and the second-largest publisher of STM journals. Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media, one of the world’s leading suppliers of scientific and specialist literature. The group publishes over 2,000 journals and more than 7,000 new books a year, as well as the largest STM eBook Collection worldwide. Springer has operations in over 20 countries in Europe, the USA, and Asia, and some 5,500 employees.
Trimble Navigation
Trimble is a leading provider of advanced positioning solutions, application software, wireless communications, and services to increase productivity through positioning. Trimble GNSS Infrastructure provides integrated and proven solutions to enable customers to collect, manage, and analyze complex information faster and easier, making them more productive, efficient and profitable.
Wiley-Blackwell is a worldwide leading publisher of Earth and Environmental Sciences journals and books, spanning the entire spectrum of the discipline, publishing over 50 journals in all subjects, including water resources, meteorology, climatology, geology, physical geography, geochemistry and geophysics. To discover our publications visit Wiley Online Library and Wiley.com
WITec GmbH
WITec is a manufacturer of high resolution optical and scanning probe microscopy solutions for scientific and industrial applications. A modular product line allows the combination of different microscopy techniques such as Raman, NSNOM or AFM in one single instrument for comprehensive and flexible analyses of optical, chemical and structural properties of a sample.
World Scientific
World Scientific Publishing is the largest publisher of Scientific, Technical and Medical books and journals in the Asia Pacific. The company publishes about 450 books annually and more than 120 journals in various fields. World Scientific collaborates with prestigious organisations like the Nobel Foundation, US National Academies Press and its subsidiary, Imperial College Press amongst others, to bring high quality academic and professional content to researchers and academics worldwide. To find out more about World Scientific, please visit www.worldscientific.com
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