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AOGS Election of Office Bearers - 2014 to 2016


Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen(CV)
Endowed Brace Chair & Professor of Civil Engineering
McGill University

It is a great honor to be nominated as candidate for this prestigious AOGS President position. I became a member of the AOGS in 2004 while attending its First Annual Meeting in Singapore. Since then AOGS has been my home for almost 10 years until now. I have thus developed a large professional network through AOGS. I believe our AOGS has become the internationally recognized representative of the Asia-Oceania professional geoscience communities. It represents a successful scientific enterprise that binds us together professionally. This is most visible with the successful organization of our regular Annual Meetings over the past years. Our AOGS at present is hence in robust health and continues to work hard to support its members. However, we still face challenges, in particular with efforts to promote geoscience research within Asia and Oceania region as well as in the international research arena. We need to make progress in stewardship of research journals and high-impact publications for our Society. We need to continue to make sure that our annual meetings are well organized, comprehensive, attractive and successful for the survival and continuation of our broad community.

I would be honored to serve as AOGS President and help shepherd the Society through these challenges. To stay on top as a scientific society, AOGS must be very efficient in the way it disseminates the knowledge generated through its members’ activities. Accordingly, publishing must remain at the forefront of our Society’s agenda, and the exploration of new publication media should be a continued effort. If elected I wish to promote more aggressive exploration of the changing world of scientific publishing to enhance our Society’s publication formats based on the highest scientific rigor and integrity. Furthermore, our profession needs the AOGS advocacy to improve education and career opportunities for students and young researchers, and to engage and inspire the public. AOGS has to speak for the importance of education and literacy, for the importance of scientific research and discovery, and for the benefits that ensue for the public. I can bring to the position a commitment to education and outreach, and a broad international perspective and experience as a researcher that has been actively working with colleagues in many regions of the world including Asia, Australia, Europe and North America over the past three decades. I wish to foster communication between our sub-disciplines and to commit myself to bring together geoscience researchers worldwide to our annual meetings. I will work to ensure that the excitement of our field was conveyed to the broadest possible audience. I will try in my best capacity to be an effective exponent on behalf of AOGS. Thank you very much for your consideration.


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